

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex or broad range of development disability conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviours, speech and nonverbal communication.  

There is no known single cause of autism, but increased awareness and early diagnosis/intervention and access to appropriate services/supports lead to significantly improved outcomes. Early intervention will improve the Autism child’s chances for overcoming his or her developmental delays


Note: According to the Centres for Disease Control, Autism affects an estimated 1 in 59 children in the United States today (Year 2019).



The Pearl Autism Sdn Bhd was established in the year 2017 .

The Pearl Autism providing world class therapy and intervention program to the Autism Childs.

The services provided was
Preliminary Assessment,
Early Intervention Program,
Speech Therapy,
Occupational Therapy
Therapy for Learning Difficulties students,
 3M Coaching, PPKI Tuisyen,
Music & Art Therapy and After School Transitions.

The Pearl Autism providing tailor-made Integrated Intervention and Therapy Programmes to the Autism Childs based on their individual assessment. The Centre was Located at Puncak Bestari, Bandar Puncak Alam Selangor Malaysia. The Therapist are well trained, qualify and friendly oriented persons

About Our Founder

The Pearl Autism Sdn Bhd was initiated by Mr.Vella and Ms.Sharine in year 2017

The journey started in year 2013 after their Son Vishvaa was diagnosed as Autism Child by Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM). Mr.Vella and Ms.Sharine took all the effort to learn the best method  to raise up their son. They started doing research and participated themselves actively in many Autism Program, Forum, Workshops and Discussions. They also learn traditional ways such as Ayurveda and Yoga therapy for their son. As a member of IBCCS Online Member Community – USA, they continuously do gather as many as information, theories, best practices to do Therapy and raise up Autism Childs. As a results they able to improve their son Vishvaa from Severe Stage to Mild Stage. Their son shown positive effect and improved in many areas. He now able to speak well, write and read well as normal child. Not only that he also able to involve himself in many social activities and sports actively.

Mr.Vella and Ms.Sharine decided to start up a Therapy and Research Centre formally to share their expertise with other Autism Childs and believe can improve them also.

Mr.Vella certified himself in many Autism Therapy Courses locally and also internationally. He also CA Certified at IBCCS (The International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standard – Jacksonville Florida USA) where his name listed in the International Registry as a Certified Autism Therapist. He also having access to the IBCCES Online Member Community worldwide which there is many Therapist and Child Development Doctors participate actively. On the other hand, Ms.Sharine was former, news agency professional. She was trained Speech Pathologist by HUKM. She also conducted many speech and workshops to guide Autism Childs Nationwide related to speech therapist. Their Life Goal was to spread as much as possible their knowledge and expertise worldwide to assist Autism Child by providing awareness and guidance.